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"Digital", or "digitizing" business activities is the inevitable development trend of every business wanting to break through in an era of fierce competition. Digital can disrupt the operations of many "aging" companies, but also create opportunities for technology corporations like Facebook or Amazon to grow record.

But while the digital age is and will continue to be a challenge for the big players in traditional industries, the opportunities for them are still wide open. Specifically what is that opportunity? Businesses that do not have many advantages in flexibility, without a strong technology foundation have to manage? And how can your company not fall behind in this race? How can we take advantage of all the opportunities of the 4.0 era? The most up-to-date book - “Business in the 4.0 Era”, a work by Sunil Gupta - professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, expert in digital transformation strategy will guide you.

To be successful, you can't just create your own digital unit, or just conduct experiments, or just plan to use technology to increase productivity. Instead, you must turn digital into a core strategy, so that it covers every activity, every step of your business. Through a series of practical stories, with typical examples from businesses completely transformed in the digital age, you will have in hand the methods and principles to draw out the overarching digital strategy. In other words, "Business in the 4.0 era" will guide your business through a challenging transition that cannot be ignored.

Driving Digital Strategy

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